It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environment, such as the South Pole. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?
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IELTS Writing Sample 1 – Travel to remote natural environment
Our technological development has seen tremendous progress in recent years, and with it, our ability to travel has also vastly improved. In the 21st century, it is no longer an impossible feat to set foot on even extremely remote areas such as the arctic regions. However, despite having many benefits, our human presence on such areas may also entail great harm.
Admittedly, there are certain advantages in visiting nature’s uncharted territory. Places such as the deep sea or isolated islands, where there have been little or no human influence for millennials, may harbor unknown flora and fauna or new natural resources, which can help us make breakthroughs in our scientific understanding. Additionally, if it is possible for tourists to safely travel to these once-secluded areas, the revenue generated from tourism activities can help develop the countries where these areas are located.
However, the risks involved in exploring remote places are also high. Where there are new scientific secrets to reveal, there are also unknown dangers waiting to harm us; and there have been many scientists who lost their lives due to unforeseeable threats when discovering a new environment. Moreover, the fact that we have the means to travel to a remote place does not always mean that we should do so. There are natural areas that are so fragile that any attempts to prepare them for tourism can permanently destroy them. The Son Doong Cave in Vietnam, recognized as the largest natural cave in the world, is one example of this. There have been many experts who voiced their concerns that activities for mass tourism, such as installing a cable car system through the cave, can seriously damage the unique landform and ecosystem there.
Overall, I am more in favor of the idea that in order to protect our natural world, we should refrain from extending our human presence on planet Earth. Regardless of any potential values visiting remote natural places can offer us, the prices we might have to pay for these actions are likely to be much higher.
From: Nguyen Tien Dat